Recommended Testing

There are no State or Federal regulations that require testing of your private water source. The health and safety of your water source rests with you. If you are unsure what to test for, there are some parameters that are strongly recommended by your local Department of Health. We have also generated a list of some common contaminants associated with health and aesthetic issues.

Contaminant EPA MCL mg/L Health Effect Source of Contaminant
Total Coliform including e.coli Zero or <1 Any level of Total Coliform is an indicator of the potential for pathogenic microorganisms to be in the water. e.coli can cause gastrointestinal distress Coliform are naturally present in the environment. E. coli only comes from human and animal fecal waste including septic systems
Arsenic 0.010 Increased risk of Bladder, Lung and Skin Cancers. Skin problems and Cardiovascular disease. Weakened immune response. Naturally occurring in soils and bedrock. Historic use as Pesticide not officially banned until 1988. Industrial wastes
NitrateNitrite 101 Causes Methemoglobinemia (Blue-Baby Syndrome). Converted to Nitrite in the body, it prevents hemoglobin from carrying oxygen resulting in suffocation. Agricultural Fertilizer, Septage; erosion of natural deposits
Fluoride 4 Bone disease (pain and tenderness of the bones); Children may get mottled teeth Water additive which promotes strong teeth; erosion of natural deposits; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories
Lead 0.015 Infants and children: Delays in physical or mental development. Deficits in attention span and learning abilities.Adults: Kidney problems; high blood pressure Corrosion of household plumbing systems and fixtures, primarily from homes built before 1990 or having corrosive water.
Gross Alpha * 15 picocuries per Liter (pCi/L) Increased risk of cancers. Kidney and Liver damage. Erosion of natural deposits. Several elements release Alpha radiation, primarily Uranium and Radium 226/228
pH 6.5-8.5 SU Corrosion of plumbing. Indirectly affect taste and the solubility of trace metals. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems Surface water and chemical reactions
Sodium 250 Aesthetic Taste and Corrosion of plumbingPotential complications for those with High Blood Pressure. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Erosion of natural deposits. Run-off from road salt.
Chloride 250 Aesthetic taste and corrosion of plumbing. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Erosion of natrual deposits. Run-off from road salt.
Iron 0.30 Aesthetic taste concerns. Staining of porcelain fixtures and clothing. Erosion of natural deposits; industrial processes.
Manganese 0.05 Aesthetic taste concerns. Staining of porcelain fixtures and clothing. Erosion of natural deposits; fertilizers, industrial processes.
Hardness (Calcium/Magnesium) 75-150 Aesthetic taste concerns, scaling and blockage of plumbing and fixtures. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Erosion of natural deposits.
Copper 1.3 Intestinal distress and liver and kidney damage. Corrosion of plumbing, erosion of natural deposits.
Sulfate 250 Diarrhea and intestinal distress. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Erosion of natural deposits
Alkalinity NA Assesses the pH buffering capacity of the water. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Associated with the pH and presence of Calcium and Magnesium Carbonates (hardness).
Conductivity NA umhos/cm Assesses the ionic strength of the water. Multiplied by 0.64, provides an estimate of Total Dissolved Solids. Useful in assessing water conditioning systems. Dissolved salts. Erosion of natural deposits.
Potassium NA Useful in assessing water conditioning system. Erosion of natural deposits.

*Gross Alpha is a measurement of all alpha radiation emitting radionuclides which includes Uranium, Radium 226 and other less common isotopes. The detection of Gross Alpha greater than 5 pci/L may warrant additional radiological testing to identify specific isotopes.